Kicking mom out of the delivery room

Robin • 🐶 Feb 18- 💍 Nov 10- 🎀 Jan 15

This is long and I’m sorry: I’m going to preface this by saying that I love my mom and at one point I really wanted her to be in there but I’m not sure if her mental stability. Her house has started to resemble a hoarders house (she will deny she’s as bad as her ex husbands hoarding) and she has a revolving door of animals that aren’t trained or reprimanded. (I have to keep my sisters dog away just to keep her from jumping on my belly). Her service animal-while all fine and good is not neutered and has taking to peeing wherever he’s somewhere new (what if he pees in the hospital room?). I’m concerned that her dogs germs will hurt my minutes old baby (if he licks her my mom will applaud him and think it’s so cute). My mom also has no interest in taking part of my birthing class as she thinks it’s a joke and a waste of time. **How do I nicely let her know she’s not welcome at the birth?** I’m a FTM so I’m super anxious about any uncertainties... We’ve also had some disagreements about other stuff in the past week so I don’t want it to seem like the two are related

UPDATE: I told my mother that DH was concerned about her dog being in the room and I had to respect his worries as a parent. Now my mother has chosen to cut me out of her life. After lots of crying and talking to my best friend and my aunt on my other side, I’ve slightly come to terms with it. Not placing the blame on anyone but my mother. Thank you for your support!