After watching my moms marriages I don’t want to get married

My whole life I watched my mom go through 2 marriages and both of those marriages her husbands ended up fucking her over financially. The debt the last one wracked up screwed up her credit bad so now she can’t do anything she wants to to even though it’s not her fault.

I don’t think my man would ever do that to me. But my mom thought the same thing in the beginning of her marriages and with this last one she didn’t even know what he was doing financially behind her back. They lost their house to foreclosure when he was putting his money elsewhere and lying to her about where it was going while she was working 2 jobs and still couldn’t afford the bills.

I do not want that to happen to me. I don’t want someone else’s debt to fall back onto me. I have no desire to get married.

I basically get shamed for not being married. I get asked constantly when I’m going to get married but the idea of getting married puts a pit in my stomach. And I know that my mom picks shit partners and that doesn’t mean I will but she too once thought that she wasn’t picking shit partners and I really don’t want to end up feeling stupid when I’m 40 years old.