Painful Braxton Hicks?

Tahnaya • 25. 💍👼🏼👼🏼 👧🏼 👼🏼 👶🏼

I was never sure if my stomach ‘tightening’ was Braxton Hicks or baby balling up, but I had one during an appointment and the midwife pointed out that it was a BH contraction, so now I’m aware that’s what it is and I’ve been getting them constantly for about a week now. No pain though, just tightening.

However last night I could feel the tightening start and then I got pain with it, like a sharp pain on the left side of my belly button. It happened twice, and tonight I’m getting the same tightenings with pain on the left side. Does that sound like real contractions or just Braxton Hicks with extra pain?

FTM and 37 weeks today.