Would you ever try an all natural essential oil for fertility?


One of my friends makes essential oil blends for all sorts of things and fertility is one of them. For male and female fertility and sofar she has helped 10 women get pregnant recently from using her oil blends. She even has one for blocked tubes. I ordered some and I'm excited to get it and try it. Would you all try an oil blend or have you ever tried one?

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Posted at
I don’t think essential oils are some magical untapped resource, but I’ve used some to aid in certain things.I figure there’s no harm in trying, but I wouldn’t rely on anything like that to actually help during TTC.


Je • Aug 16, 2019
Yeah, I watched my dad die of cancer after using all the “correct blends”- so I’m not as strong a believer as some other people. I’m glad it’s working for you, though!!!


Shawn • Aug 16, 2019
Nope its definitely no harm. ❤


Shawn • Aug 16, 2019
Research it. I researched before I purchased because so many women were popping up pregnant just weeks after using her blends. No it's not a magical potion but essential pils have alot of health benefits and healing properties. The right blends work for alot of things. I use some foe my autistic sons and they WORK!! Better than the meds ever did


Posted at
An essential oil brought my husbands testosterone level from low 200s to 969 so I’m a firm believer that they work! Just do your research and make sure you know what you’re using.


Shawn • Aug 16, 2019
Thats awesome too! I'm glad your husbands levels are great


Shawn • Aug 16, 2019
Indeed and yup I know ive been using essential oils for many years so I'm excited to use her special fertility blend.


Posted at
Yes definitely


Posted at
Does she sell these ?!!?


Chelsea • Aug 16, 2019
Thank you so much! Good luck you you as well!!


Shawn • Aug 16, 2019
Oh ok awesome!! Blessings with your visit. Her name on Facebook is Tia Kitchens and her email address is TiaL07@yahoo.com if you decide to contact her or even to just ask about it so you'll have info and time to think about it.


Chelsea • Aug 15, 2019
Hmm I’ll have to keep that in mind. We go to the specialist in a few weeks to rule anything out to see why it’s taking so long to get pregnant


Posted at
I use an essential oil called Progessence Plus. I just started using it 3 weeks ago and I can tell a difference already. My period started 2 days ago and it’s no where near as intense as it usually is. I also don’t get as many headaches as I use to. It’s a natural progesterone.