Im devastated

Shakila • Mommy to a baby boy ❤️

Where to start.... my boyfriend and i have been together for 2 years and a half and are expecting our first baby together (im 29 weeks)

At first our sexual life was amazing but slowly that feeling went away..... we were having sex maybe once a month.... and i will take the blame for it as i was the one always pushing him away and telling him im to tired or not in the mood

We then started fighting a lot. (Not taking his defense but i will admit that im the more vulgar one and hes the calm one)

We havent been having sex much since im pregnant ... maybe 6 times in total. We had sex about two weeks ago and it was AMAZING. For once in two years, we mutually felt the chemistry. (We even spoke about it the next day)

Its been two days now that everytime i try to hug him he tells me not now later or im tired blablabla.

Yestersay i confronted him asking whats going on. After 10 minutes into the argument he admits that he’s not attracted to me anymore. He says he lost attraction when i started being mean with him and yelling at him blablabla. He feels like i act like “the man” and he doesnt feel comfortable anymore.

He says he loves me and that for him being in a relationship and sex is two different things. He says he does have hope for his attraction to come back as the sex we had two weeks ago was amazing but now he’s just not feeling it. He says he doesn’t feel “the butterflies or the excitement”

Im broken in million pieces. I love him and i dont agree that our sex life is not great. I want to make things better but he also has to meet me half way. I refuse to be with someone who’s not attracted to me.

Has anyone gone through something similar? Did it get better?

Thank you