Help with methotrexate advice


Going to try and keep this short and sweet, but any advice is appreciated.

Back in June I had a positive HPT but unfortunately it was diagnosed as a “ectopic/pregnancy of unknown location” since my hcg never rose above 33 — it would go up and down slightly but never above 33.

The RE gave me the shot July 8 with orders no TTC and no prenatal for 2 months/cycles at least — information we received AFTER I got the shot when I couldn’t refuse it. I only got the one dose split into the two injections.

Fast forward to July 29 and my hcg is now 0. The director of the RE clinic calls me with the results and we get to chatting. He tells me there’s no problems with taking my prenatal now that my hcg is 0. He tells me that the wait to TTC is really only advised from a uterine building standpoint and more so related to getting pregnant after loss in general, not directly related to methotrexate, and that the methotrexate is out of the system in a week or two. He dropped some context clues regarding research that’s out there supporting this getting pregnant after the shot is okay as well as the two cycle wait after loss in general, to which I found and have read.

This Monday I had my FemVue scan, my normal RE at the clinic performed it and she said everything came back fine on the bloodwork, my uterus is beautiful and my tubes aren’t blocked, my husbands SA was okay, but “I’d still wait that one maybe two months more before actively trying again”. I began to tell her what her BOSS (emphasis there) told me about the TTC wait and such and she adamantly slammed him claiming he’s incorrect. Called another clinic, they told me 3 months as well.

Is there anyone out there who got pregnant shortly after receiving the shot and all was well, or had their doctor tell them it was fine to try after 1-2 cycles? The research I found says the physician advice of waiting 3-6 months after the shot is purely from the manufacturer and there’s no consensus to support medically that it’s necessary when you’ve only been given one dose. I even found another study that said it was safe to get pregnant within the 6 months — both of these studies were 2008 and 2011.

It just frustrates me that this very important tidbit of info wasn’t given to me in advance of getting the shot, so now I’m like in hyperdrive trying to find out everything that I can even all this time after. Everything I find says yes there are potential risks, but the risks are there when men/women were on this as a THERAPY for either psoriasis or rheumatoid arthritis and taking this drug long term, not just once. And even more so — the unfavorable outcomes were found more in animal cases and sporadic human cases.