Over reacting??

I’m struggling lately. I used to be interested in this guy back at our junior college. He never noticed me. Fast forward two years I’m at a new university and we matched on tinder. We clicked super well and started hanging out. Eventually hang outs led to dates and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. We have a great relationship but I met his friends a few weeks ago and a lot of them used to bully me and act better than me in high school. He tells me he doesn’t care what they think. He’s a sporty popular guy, and I’m shy and quiet. I keep to myself and am more introverted. the other night when we went out for Chinese food this group of athletic soccer girls came in and we were standing there waiting for our food and he sort of backed away and stared at them but tried to make it not so obvious. Sometimes I think I can make him happy but other times I just don’t feel like I am popular enough for him or athletic enough or just sporty enough like he’s used to. I’m home for a few more days until school starts at my uni again and he’s coming to visit and wants to go workout at the local college gym which makes me really anxious because I feel like he’s just too attractive for me and he can do way better. Plus it makes me anxious that he will see all the college athletes there and question why he’s with me. I don’t know I’m just really secure about this ☹️