Period or spotting??

I’m on my second pack of birth control and have been spotting quite a lot. During the first month my period was longer than usual, lasting a week and a half. After it ended I was medium spotting for 5 days. After that I had very light irregular spotting (so not every day). For the month of August, now on my second pack, I’ve been spotting way more. My period ended last Wednesday (a week ago, lasted 6 days) and since then I’ve been spotting A LOT. Yesterday it was so much I had to wear a pad. Today, it’s been heavy too and the blood is much darker, similar to when on my period. I’ve also had terrible cramps this week... something that never happens. Could I be starting my period again somehow??? Has this happened to anyone? is it just heavy spotting that will hopefully go away soon? :( also, should I worry about the cramps? I’d never get cramps before BC and i know its common when first starting a pack buttttt they’re p bad /: I didn’t get them this bad the first month so Idunno