Post d&c question


So I found out at my 8 week appt that I had a missed miscarriage. Gestational sac, yolk sac, no fetus. I chose to take the meds, and it didn’t work. The following week i got 2 more doses, which didnt work, so I scheduled the d&c at just after 9 weeks. That was 10 days ago. Bleeding has been fairly light except for this morning, when i was heavier twice just when I went #2. The other day I had a little more discharge like I’d get around ovulation time (not bad discharge, no smell, no other weird symptoms). The past few days I’ve had low back pain and very tender boobs. I had low back pain early in the pregnancy but no tender boobs. Been 10 days since d&c — could it be a sign of my period starting soon or just my body still getting over the d&c? Or something else? Obviously haven’t had sex in quite a while...