Going crazy

Jenna • Alayahlani’s Mommy 💗

Ok so she’s never been really a good sleeper since her 4 month regression, we still breastfeed but recently she had been giving me like one 4-5 hour stretch at night(then is up every two hours after that) and I thought I was getting lucky thinking “yes it’s finally ending she’s finally going to start sleeping through the night” because I heard when babies start doing it, it’s just really out of no where.. & she had just cut two teeth prior to the good sleep happening, well two days of that and she is back to every two hours at night again 😞

Not only that she has been in this SUPER whiney screamy phase right now and it’s pushing my sleep deprived ass to the edge 😩😩😩

All I can think of is growth spurt/leap or teething because she isn’t constipated but she literally JUST got two new teeth in and according to wonder weeks I shouldn’t expect another leap for two more weeks.