My son is a toy-taker!


Does anyone else have this problem? Every time I take my son out to playgroups or the park and he sees other children playing with toys he tries to take them from them. I think it’s partly him trying to play and just being interested in what they have. Lately it’s been exhausting to take him out for this reason because many kids get upset when he does this and even some parents have been weird about it. Sometimes I will wait to see what happens- how the other kid reacts like if they will share, or if the parents tell their child to share. But many times parents grab the toy and give it back to their kid or don’t say anything at all so I intervene if the kid gets upset. I usually say something to my son like “he’s playing with that right now- let’s find another shovel”. But lately I’ve just been frustrated with how other parents of YOUNG kids react when my son tries to take their toy. I’m trying to teach him how to share and wait his turn yet I want him to play with other kids. Does anyone else have an aggressive toy stealer? Any tips you can share that work for you?