Men seriously need to man up and

Stop thinking that they can slack off when it comes to being a father or a husband. They think that their paid job is their only job. They think that they don't have to help raise their kids. They think that they don't have to change diapers or make bottles. They think that they don't have to wake up in the middle of the night to care for their child. They think woman are the only ones who should be caring for the child. They think that they don't have to help out around the house just because they work and you don't. They think they can just sit on their ass and do whatever they want while you care for the child by yourself non stop, while you clean the house every damn day without help from him. Then when he does help and you get upset with him for something and all he can say is that he didn't have to help me take care of our baby but he did it anyways to be nice. Grow the Fuck up. Your a father. Your life revolves around your child. That means that when I'm busy cooking dinner or taking a shower or cleaning our home and the baby starts crying it's up to you to be a parent and care for him. That means stop what you are doing no matter if it's a movie, video game, or your just about to go to bed and care for him until I'm able to. That doesn't mean complain and continue what your doing. The second that baby was born his needs became the most important thing. His needs come before anyone and everything else.