My last relationship

I dated a guy for a year. I gave him my everything, I was loyal, I adored him, I treasured him and I chased him and begged him for love. I was fighting so hard for him when he was already mine. He made me feel stupid, unimportant, worthless and never listened to me when I came to him with a problem or something I was upset about, instead he argued with me and made me feel like I couldn’t open up to him. He was controlling, manipulative and never even wanted to get to know me, not even when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so blinded by love and I let him treat me this way but I didn’t mind because he was mine. The girl he told me not to worry about, was the one that has ruined me forever. He told me it was all in my head and that there was nothing between them, he said horrible things about her to me but I knew something wasn’t right. He moved to London to start his new job, then after not seeing him for 6 weeks he comes back home, doesn’t tell me he’s here and goes straight to the girl he told me I had nothing to worry about because it was all in my head. He slept with her and then told me he was only ever with me because he was bored. This broke me, but I felt strong enough to get over this. The following night he told me he was back in London, a few hours later I saw him with her, so yet another lie. I confronted him and she beat me to the floor, attacking me and he done nothing to stop her. He has broken me and I really don’t know what to do. I wanted to marry this boy, have his children and live a life with him and he said he was only with me because he was bored.

I really need help and I don’t know what to do, I just need some advice, some guidance and just someone to talk to.