Work and Pregnancy Problems

I am a working mom with a 2 year old and a baby due in 2 months.

Ever since I told my boss I was pregnant his whole attitude and demeanor changed. His initial concern was when and if I was returning after maternity leave. It really rubbed me the wrong way but I brushed off. This pregnancy has been a rough one mind you. I drive almost an hour to going and coming from work. There are days when I have to call out because I’m so sick or just can’t move out the bed.

My male boss is unsympathetic to all of this. His words to me were that he was going to get stricter on my work schedule once I return from leave. I am a very hard worker that goes about and beyond but he doesn’t see that.

This has added to my stress and prenatal depression drastically.

Has anyone ever been in this situation? Did they leave that employer? I just don’t know what to do any more.