Loss over 3 weeks ago (long story..sorry)

On August 7, I went in for my regular 15 week check up (the only appointment I had went to alone since finding out I was expecting) and instead was told that my baby had no heartbeat. We were going to schedule the early anatomy scan the following week...

Instead of scheduling the next appointment, I was told to go to labor delivery in the hospital in order to be given a medicine vaginally to induce labor. The Dr said there is no way to know if the baby died closer to my 12 week appointment or my 15 (would later see that the genitals of my baby boy were developed which makes me think it had to of been closer to my 15 week).

After spending all morning and evening in the hospital, my baby was born. My fiance didn't seem bothered too much, just wanted to make sure I was okay.

Fast forward to now...it's been over 3 weeks since I have birth to my son and I am still bleeding every now and then. When I'm not my fiance and i have sex (not ttc) because he saw our baby as an accident when I didnt...i have a few questions if anyone wants to answer.

1. When should I expect my period? Cause my normal cycle before was between the 21st and 24th of every month

2. How do I carry on knowing my fiance doesn't wanna try again (until like a year from now) when he knows how I feel about it? I've always wanted to have a baby and I had my chance and it was just taken away so I want it again so bad...this causes arguments or just me crying myself to sleep sometimes

3. How do I fit in...? I didn't have an early misscariage which is more normal so I don't feel like I fit in with my friends or anyone who has had a miscarriage in the first few weeks...but I didn't have one late enough for it to be classed as a stillborn baby cause I was only 15 weeks...i just feel like I'm alone in it..

This was my first every pregnancy and the first time since getting my hormones settled in the 4 1/2 years my fiance and i have been together since he allowed a mishap to happen during sex...I've thought about being that crazy woman who tricks her guy or pokes a hole in the condom and has him wear it knowing what can happen but I always stifle down that crazy cause I know that wouldn't end well and I'm not like that lol but I just don't know how to keep my emotions in check cause I want to be pregnant so bad...