I Don’t Know What to Do!!!


So over the past two weeks my husband and I have been through the loop. We have had to pay for a instrument for one daughter, volleyball equipment for another, and a computer for another( which is through there school it’s mandatory). All of this just within a week. Then we find a out we have a huge water leek under our house. This ended up costing us nearly $400 to repair. Also our water bill ended up being $250 from that. So basically All of this has put us in the whole big time and our electric bill is due this Thursday or it will be disconnected on Friday. And of course our bill is $484 this month! Which is our biggest ever! What to do?

I have talked to our church and a couple of others and none are able to help. I can’t get a payment arrangement because I am still under one! I have no family nor does my husband that are able to help. We are in a hole and I have no idea how to get out of it at this point! I’m trying to sell some things but that is not going to get us anywhere where we need to be!

Please help me I feel completely helpless right now and have no idea what else I can do. Does anyone have any advice??