Sick of the dumb shite

My fiancé and I have been together five years. Our wedding is set for 2/20/20. I’ve been hesitant because we seem to have ongoing trust issues...well he has trust issues. When we first got together he would preach about how if you have nothing to hide, you shouldn’t hide your phone from your SO. I was fine with that and had no problem with him knowing the code to my phone or having his fingerprint stored in my phone. He also came up with us not talking to people of the opposite sex and at the time I didn’t care. We also share our locations which again wasn’t a problem for me.

Anyway over these years, he’s made it clear he still doesn’t trust me. He complains about friends on FB...guys I grew up with that I hadn’t seen in 25 years. It got stupid. He’d call and wake me up in the middle of the night because I accepted a friend request from someone I grew up with. He’d make a huge deal out of me being Facebook friends with pretty much any male I wasn’t related to.

My bff is gay. I’ve known her for about 25 years. She bought a ticket to come visit me and he had a fit because he said we were going to sleep in the same bed while she’s here. First off even if we did sleep in the same bed, so what? We ain’t fu€king and have NEVER gone there with our friendship. I’m completely straight and she’s my FRIEND. Anyway I never planned for her to sleep with me, she normally uses my sons room when she visits and it would’ve been the same this time.

A few months ago an ex from 20+ years ago and I made contact on Facebook. We caught up with each other; talking about kids and where other people were that we went to college with. My SO had a fit and I ended up blocking the guy even though I think it’s stupid.

I think after five years of being together, trust should’ve developed. I’ve never cheated on him and I don’t think he’s cheated on me. But where he used to keep his phone open to me, he’s now keeping it locked up tight. Yesterday I had his phone and tried entering the password only to find out that he’d changed it. I asked him what it was, I entered the number he gave me and it didn’t work. I tried it twice and both times he gave me the wrong number.

After giving it some thought, I decided to address it.

He broke up with me and as you can stopped sharing his location.

I’m just so sick of being treated like an untrustworthy tramp that will have sex with anyone; like a cheater, when I’ve done absolutely nothing. I know this mess will be turned on me.

Why can’t we just trust each other? Why does Facebook have be an issue?