Baby wakes up 2-3+ times a night


I need to hear from moms whose little one wakes up 2-3 times a night to eat. I keep hearing moms say how their little one is sleeping through the night and often they are younger than my daughter. My little one is 4 months, she wakes up about every three hours to breastfeed. I know this is completely fine and I can’t compare my kid to someone else’s because every baby is different. But I would love to hear from some mamas who’s baby’s still wake up during the night to remind me I’m not alone or crazy.

She also just started that dreaded sleep regression. I feel like a zombie. She is able to fall asleep on her own but wakes up more now than ever wanting to talk/play. I leave her alone in her crib but we all share a room because we live in a one bedroom. Any tips or tricks for this rough time?