Work colleague/ ‘friend’


Ok so this will be a long read ...

I am friends with a girl I’ve worked with for years.. im 20 weeks pregnant. however she is very opinionated, even when I said baby names I loved she is like oh I don’t like that. Or showing her baby outfits the reaction was always oh I don’t like it?

As a friend if I seen my friend was happy with something I would support it no matter what.

Anyway. I just rise above it as everyone thinks the same anyway that’s shes very opinionated.

But Tuesday we had an argument now it might sound petty but il copy what I sent to my OH......

She spoke to me like shit in the office. I had to do receipting before I went upstairs. I asked her which of the glasses came in yesterday and she was like I can’t see the sheet from there. And I was like well your finished on the computer and walking out the office so come and look? And she was like they all came in. I was like ok. So I finished off what I was doing in the office and went upstairs.

I walked in and was like we doing these calculations now? And she was like yeh I’ve started but being really off. So i was like aw ok somebody’s crabbit today. Il just do them myself. And then she was like I’m not crabbit shannan u asked me and I said I’ve started cause I wasn’t going to wait on u I didn’t know how long u were going to be.

I was like the way u spoke to me in the office was horrible and I can see u don’t want to work with me that’s cool il donit myself.

Then she started raising her voice and I was like look I’m no going to speak to u when your raising ur voice like that. And then she started name calling ...

So I let her say her piece

She was like aw I wasn’t going to come over to u in the office just cause princess shannan wanted me to .. I was busy. I was like u had finished what ur doing and I asked u to come and have a look.

And then she was like aw u think ur such a princess blah blah blah and I was like well I’m going to wait till you have calmed down and stopped name calling before I speak to u.

And then we stopped and I was like know something for someone who calls themselves a “pal” ur true colours have shown now.

If that’s what u truly think of me then ur no pal of mines!

So... we then messaged last night and basically she is like u don’t speak to me outside work anyway so stop going on like we’re best pals. I was like I’ve done so much with you outwith work I even told her to book a foot spa thing and she didn’t do it.

But anyway it’s awkward in work and makes me really not want to be here. She’s being snappy to me when I said let’s just be civil land even members of have commented on it too..

Any advice ?!?!