Is it normal to lose interest in SO?

My SO is currently in AIT. We haven’t spoken since last month when I went to his turning blue ceremony. The day after I got back I moved into my college dorm and wasn’t able to get a mailbox on time. He didn’t have my address and they changed his from BT so it’s impossible for us to get in contact. He’s in Fort Benning and they don’t let him use his phone. Since the time I’ve been here, I was stressed, having mental breakdowns every day & been in and out of therapist’s office due to depression symptoms I’ve been showing. I look at old videos of us and I feel nothing.. of course I want him to come back but I don’t necessarily miss his presence per se. I guess since I got used to him not being around and have too much on my mind.. idk

Is that normal?? Am I losing feelings?