Today is the anniversary of our loss...


I just have no words to describe how much it hurts... I thought I was moving on, but I haven’t... hit me like a ton of bricks as soon as I realized what day it was. So here I am begging my husband to stay home from work so I won’t have to be home by myself... I’m currently laying in the tub where I watched blood pour out of me.. I know it’s morbid but I don’t have anything else. No grave. No pictures.... DH refuses to stay home from work and simply acted annoyed that I was crying... didn’t even try to comfort me just kind of told me “tough luck”... he’s been working over time until 9-9:30 every night ... he comes home, eats, showers, and goes to bed... I know we need the money, but I just need some support and love... especially right now. We’ve yet to have a positive test since the loss... I’m just hurting right now... sorry, I really needed to get this off my chest... even if no one cares, I just don’t want to feel alone today