It has been a journey

Ashley • Happily married, have a wonderful son, and a sweet baby girl 💜

When I was pregnant with my son I had planned to exclusively BF. Well like they say, when you plan, God laughs. I ended up not producing colostrum, he didn't latch properly (we found out at 6w he had a tongue tie), my milk didn't come in until 6 days after birth and when it did I barely made enough, my son lost 1lb within 3 days after leaving the hospital. I tried teas, cookies, herbal supplements, everything! I ended up exclusively pumping until he was 3 months old. Then one day my PPD really got to me and my husband and the pediatrician basically told me my mental health is just as important as trying to breastfeed. At that point I had to switch over to formula feeding which ended up being a blessing for both my son and I.

Fast forward 2 years later. I give birth to my daughter on 9/3. I had very low expectations in regards to breastfeeding. I prepped all the bottles, but was waiting until she was born to buy formula to see which would work better for her. To my surprise she latches immediately and I actually produce colostrum (so much so, she overfills herself). My milk came in 3 days after birth and has been more than enough to fill her up and allow me to create a small stash in the freezer. Needless to say I completely understand why they say every pregnancy and baby is different.