One step closer to graduating.

I'm studying biomedical sciences at university. Its intense and you're so stretched over a range of subjects from medical biochemistry and nutrition to pathological diseases and bacteria, viruses etc.

I am so close to graduating, I only have 1 year left. But I had to resit 3 exams over the summer. I hired at tutor, spent many hours invested in trying to pass, many tears were shed and so many sleepless nights. I'm in more than £50,000 in tuition fees which just looms over me which I will have to pay whether I pass or not.

I received an email only 5 minutes ago, I need to share it because everyone else I know is asleep. But I passed. I got in to my final year and all those hours were worth it. I did it! I'm so close to graduating that I feel I might actually do this.