Have you ever fallen out of love with your S/O?

And if you did, did you guys get that love back or was the relationship over? We're 5 years in, own a car together, our place, cats, the typical life. He isn't romantic at all and it feels like we're more of best friends and SOMETIMES benefits lol. I don't feel a spark or connection at all when we have sex, to be honest i feel nothing. I love him but I'm afraid I'm not IN love with him. For about a year now I've been telling him i feel distant and like we lack romance. I tried but he doesn't try. I don't want much, just the attention when he's around me and to feel like I'm loved and not just hanging out with a friend 24/7.

He spends more time on his computer playing video games than he does talking to me. sometimes I feel like we're living two completely separate lives just under the same roof. I've been asking him for a year now to surprise me and take me on a date....still waiting. He's closer with his friends when he is to me I feel like. He talks to them all day long, literally either through text message or talking over there microphones while they're playing video games. And I feel like I'm just someone to hang out with if his friends aren't online playing. I've asked him so many times to try to be more involved with me and I've told him so so so many times how it's felt, and he still hasn't changed his actions. at this point it seems like if he's not changing his actions than he doesn't even care to be with me.

everyday I fantasize about a guy asking me out and taking me on a date, showing an interest in me. I'm craving that flirtatious romantic relationship. Of course I never act on it, but all day I think about getting back to dating. I told him honestly that I felt this way, and he doesn't even say or do anything.

My feel heartbroken. I tried so hard to fix us