Does anyone ever feel like...

Lauren • RN 🩺 recurrent unexplained losses 💔 12.6.20 🌈👶🏻💙 FET baby girl born 11.4.22 💕✨ baby #3 EDD 8.17.24 💚 would almost be easier to cope with giving up than trying again and being completely devastated and disappointed? That’s how I’m feeling right now after my second chemical (almost exactly a year after the first). We had taken a month off after our second <a href="">IUI</a> had to be canceled because i was frustrated and we decided we were going to start <a href="">IVF</a>... lo and behold, the month we weren’t trying, I got a BFP... then found out my betas were dropping... and now I have to wait to bleed. So far every gut feeling I’ve had has been right. I just feel like at least if I stop trying and maybe have an IUD put back in I’d be in control again. I’m terrified of conceiving naturally again because I’m certain something’s not right. I have a gut feeling <a href="">IVF</a> won’t work for us either (and like i said, my gut feelings have been absolutely spot on)... I feel like it’s the quality of my eggs or his sperm or something’s just chromosomally not right. The thing is I’m already 32 and my husband is 39... if I stop now, that’s it. I just don’t know what to do anymore.