My boyfriend never gets the fuck off of FT

So today we have planned to go to the next city over to go to the aquarium for his sisters birthday. We had that planned for weeks, then last night his sister changed her mind and wanted to go see IT 2. So we changed our plans to that instead. Then she calls this morning and says she wants to go an arcade instead. So I’m over here like “make up your FUCKING MINDDDD”. Finally she agrees even though she’s pissed. He’s FaceTimed his mom at least 4-5 times already and his friend keeps calling asking if he’s free today. (And his other friend kept calling last night) And he’s the type to call not to even talk about anything. He calls and draws out the one question he had into a fucking 30 minute conversation. On TOP of that, the IT movie is 3 hours long, plus they want to go to dinner after that, which knowing them will take at least 5-6 hours already... then he proposes that I hurry up and get ready so we can head over there to hang out with them for a while BEFORE the movie. (This is also his only day off this week.) I’m seriously so annoyed right now.