TWW 3 months after removal...


I had my IUD removed on June 20 and experience very irregular patterns of ovulation and peaks during the first month. We are actively trying and in August, I had a regular ovulation and at 11 DPO got a positive faint line pregnancy test on two different texts. Unfortunately, it didn’t stick. It was exciting to at least know that it was possible though! Coming off that feeling of being gutted, I just ovulated and we were able to have a lot of sex during my fertile window! At three months past my removal, I’m really hoping that this is that right time for us! Today I enter the two week wait and I am optimistic. Anyone else with me? I’m 39 years old and really hoping to get this party started before my 40th birthday! LOL! I already have two beautiful daughters, but my husband and I have no children of our own together.