I’m in pieces

Long. Sad. Post. 😑

So my bf and I have been together for a while. I struggle with my body. It’s not bad by any means but I put weight on easily when I’m stressed. This is my body now.

So anyway my bf has just been uninterested with me lately. He said it’s because I don’t try to be sexy for him any more like I “used to be” that’s bull shit. I’ve just been extremely stressed out with my job, moving to a new state, trying to stay afloat. My job is very high stress. I make good money but it’s very very hard. I have also been TTC but I have pcos and being stressed doesn’t help anything. Well today we get into the conversation of how come this past weekend when I dressed up he didn’t say I looked nice (he literally comments on every woman we see but never on me). This is his response.

Like wtf? That made me feel awful. I don’t think I look bad I like the way I look he is just upset I don’t dress sluttier when we go out. Idk what to do. I have been crying all day at work. It’s been fucking rough.