Honesty needed!!

**Loooooong post***

So my boyfriends grandma passes last Wednesday. Prior to that things havent been easy between us honestly since before i got pregnant we've been having problems. Well when i was in the hospital and induced my aunt came from NM to be with me and my daughter. Her dad was in and out of the room meeting people to sell to and smoking himself. At first it didn't bother me i understood this is his way of making a living but my feelings were hurt that he wasnt spending time with his daughter...she was just born these moments are important! Well fast forward to home and few weeks. Things are...okay. I guess. He holds her and feeds her when asked. But cant burp her because he's uncomfortable, wont change her that's a womans job, has now moved to the living room to sleep because our nightly feedings are disruptive. If she cries he'll just shove her paci over and over till i tell him to stop or he'll just put her down and let her cry. I understand crying it out but there's no effort to soothe or comfort...anyways its been this way for two months now. Like i said his grandma passed last week. Since then he's been gone basically all week at his moms till 11 or 12 at night getting high because he's "mourning"

Now don't get me wrong i have nothing against smoking at all. My thing is if you've smoked a good portion of the day shouldn't you acknowledge the fact you have a family still and its time to head on home. I don't know. Maybe im wrong for not allowing him to grieve how he wants with who he wants for how longs he wants. Its just hard with a new baby and no help. Im at my end and like I've said before her passing there was no help from him so this is making it even worse for me. So what's your honest input? Am i wrong? Honesty needed!!