Different cultures marriage

I’m Canadian and my husband is Mexican. We have a son and a baby on the way.

Our cultures are so different and our relationship problems are most of the time related to his family.

We are living apart from them (🎉) but we go in his family for vacations every summer.

They respect the way I raise my child but they ALWAYS have something to say “to help”: help I didn’t ask for.

They take personal always everything I say or I post on social media.

If I share a post on Facebook they will feel concerned, like if I am “talking about them”. If I say something they don’t like to my husband they also feel attack.

The worst if that my husband agreed with them.

They give me anxiety. No joke.

I can’t be myself over here.

It’s obviously not my choice to spend a few months in my husband’s family home every summer.

I understand I am not in MY home so I have to be respectful but if hubby and I have couples problems we cannot even fix it our way because we are not in our home (but who fix their problem 3 months after lol).

I’m tired of that clash and the worst is hubby taking their side, saying it’s just “help” or we cannot talk here because it’s not respectful or they didn’t like the way you said something..


Thank to have come to my ted talk lol.

Any advices or experiences would be nice!