Anyone else’s dog act out after finding out your pregnant ??

So my dog is 3yrs old she hasn’t chewed anything up since she was 8 months old (thank god) so anyways I come home from work yesterday and she chewed up a little piece of paper I didn’t think anything of it so anyways last night I tested got a Vfl

I came home from work today I put my purse next to my bed like EVERY DAY and I walk out to get a water and this bitch literally went in my purse brought out all my pads and some papers from work and chewed them up drug out all over my side of the room into tiny pieces 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄. Why is she acting out all of a sudden ? UGHHH

My tests yesterday

Also sorry don’t know what group to put this in!!

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