Ofcourse it's my fault

Well me and my husband had a argument today. It was about how I feel like hes smoking weed too much, and starting to depend on it (he told me it's what gets him through the day) and he makes bad decisions like driving while high. Weve been arguing about it for weeks now. I just dont know what to do. At first it just upseted me because he was dui ( I lost my brother 2 years ago because he was dui). But now hes completely depended on it and I'm afraid hes on the path of my late brother and my alcoholic brother. I know I shouldn't compare but it just hurts. Hes now saying hes depressed (I've struggled with depression and anxiety for 12 years) so I tell him then we need to get you professional help, which he responds well I don't want to end up like you, I'm fine with weed. Which I day you cant self treat its dangerous, I've lived through it with weed as well but I stopped soon after I realized what I started. And he said well it's your fault, I never go anywhere because all you do is go to work and go home. Hes said all i do is hold him back and it's my fault.

It hurt. Like I'm sorry. I have NEVER kept him from going out and doing whatever he wants with whoever he wants! I was raised to go to work and come home, that's all I've ever known. So now it's my fault that he's depressed and dependent on weed. Cool.

I dont know I just feel really alone right now