Kissing babies 😑😬

Before I gave birth my husband and I made it extreamly clear that NO ONE would be kissing the baby. Not even the Grandmoms (both of our mothers)

Well apparently his grandmother doesn’t feel the need to follow fucking rules, literally two weeks ago we were all having a conversation of how I wanted thing and everyone was in agreeance until I said something about her being kissed and his grandmother said “oh no I’m going to kiss the baby... so...” and I said “no... please don’t...” she ignored me with a shit look and we continued on with the day. Mind you I’ve NEVER EVER EVER have had a problem with her, we have always gotten along until now...

ON THE FIRST DAY OF HER LIFE, we are all in the same room with the baby and she kisses the baby on the forehead.... right in my arms......

I said “we aren’t kissing the baby....” SHE CONTINUED TO DO IT 😳😳😳😳

As she was leaving she DID IT AGAIN 🤬 I once again said something...

The next day everyone came up to the hospital and mind you NO ONE ELSE is kissing her, well his entitled ass grandmother comes in here and she is waiting to hold the baby, she’s sitting in between my mother and his mother, and ends up TRYING to kiss the baby on the head again and his mom and his aunt yell and exclaim “STOP THEY DONT WANT YOU KISSING THE BABY...... STOP”

She replies with “I’ll kiss her if I want...” and his mom and aunt go “NO you will not it’s not your baby and that’s what they requested...” 🙃🙃🙃🙃 I followed it up with “we’ve asked several times and you’re the only one who keeps kissing her, please stop...” so now that I’ve pissed her off, she tries to tell me how to parent and what I’m doing wrong and what I’m not doing wrong, and how I don’t even know how to calm my baby down 😡 I’m kinda fucking over it lol tbh.

And if everyone thinks they will be coming to our house as often as they do up here when we are discharged they’ve got another thing coming.. I’m not doing it. I’ve had enough

Apparently that’s just too much to ask.... so she’s pissed and treats me differently but I don’t really care. It’s our baby and I expect the rules we set to be followed