Needs a new status update for conception/due date


I dont know about yall but I use this app for more then just calculating my ovulation dates and fertility window. I actually used it to track conception and to know when my period would/should arrive.

Pregnancy was never the plan as I really had accepted the fact I prolly wasnt gonna get pregnant after having a miscarriage in 08 and zero pregnancies after I just assumed me or my husband at the time couldnt have kids. I started using the app when I got divorced and for my current engagement. Well the app had me starting my period Sept 14th and after it was 5 days late and my temper was explosive my SO suggested I had been acting strange and eating weird too maybe I was pregnant. I just kinda laughed it off but had a test laying around and decided to get it over with that night so he would shut up. I was super surprised when it read positve with 2 lines as was he.

With that said I cant add in the app Im pregnant and my period is gonna be late a while... So its still showing Im late. I can say this app did however help me to know the days I was to ovulate and my fertility window .. Me and my SO tried to make sure we messed around on those days but didnt really plan it. 9mths later and here we are I was told I conceived on Aug 31 which was my exact day of ovulation according to the <a href="">Glow App</a>. I used the free version.