ER or stay home & relax?!?

Teresa • 🤰🏻 due May 22, 2020 ❤️ 👩🏻‍🍳 lover 🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱Casey, Braums, Nilla, Tiny Dancer, & Cat 🐶🐶🐶 Kato, Daisy, & Lucas 🦎 Willow 🐍 Monte

I don’t have a lot of energy to even write this post, so I’m going to try to keep it short, sweet, & to the point.

I am currently measuring at 6w pregnant. My S/O & I just had our first real ultrasound this morning!

But when I woke up this morning, I had very light & intermittent cramping. Even noticed super light spotting. (If I hadn’t of looked twice, I would’ve missed it.) I told my tech and we went ahead with the ultrasound this morning. There was no detectable heartbeat, as of yet. And I have seemed to implant on the side and not the preferred area, middle.

I’m afraid I’m just freaking myself out at this point. But I can’t help but be terrified that I’m doing something extremely wrong.

My hcg levels on Friday were 7767 & today they were reading at over 18000, so that is good news!!

My brain is all over the place recently.. 😔 If the pain gets any worse or spotting changes, should I go be evaluated? I’m so scared I’ll have to be on bed rest, or even worse, that I’ll lose my little peanut.. 😭😭