I need some advice


So basic information is I’m 14 now but It all started when I was like 10/11 I was sexually harassed meaning only touched by my step dad for over three years until I finally was able to tell someone which was my grandma I live with my dad and step mom now but I was living with my mom step dad and my step dads girlfriend (yes me step dad has a girlfriend and a wife)

Anyways when I was interviewed by OCS (child protective services) they told me they had to go tell my mom so I told them where she worked and they went to tell her I didn’t go because well I couldn’t. They told her and she didn’t believe them and when I called her she didn’t believe me either. I stayed with a friend for a few days before my dad could get the money to come get me he had just recently moved and didn’t have a job yet so he didn’t have a lot of money we were about a 4 hour drive apart on a good day but this was December in Alaska so it was a lot longer and you had to drive slower and be more careful. Once he got everything set up to come get me he did and we met up with my mom because she had packed all my stuff to give to me seeing as I would be living with my dad from now on when we met with my mom she refused to hug me until I started hugging my step mom and crying she was so mad at me and told me that I could have told her instead of having OCS tell her after she finally let me hug here she started crying and telling me that I probably wouldn’t see her again which I knew was not true once I left with my dad and step mom and we started to drive back to their place I was crying so much I fell asleep to make myself try to not think for several months my dad was trying to get sole-custody of me which once the court finally got the papers was really easy and got excepted quickly I finally saw my mom again in April four months after I started living with my dad my mom and I were supposed to meet but she flaked out both times and made excuses I was angry at her not only for flaking out on meeting me but for staying with my step dad she is still married to him she doesn’t believe me. My dad step mom and I moved to Arizona. I saw my mom one more time before I left to go to Arizona and it was kind of nice but she still openly talked about him in front of me like nothing ever happened. Once I moved I tried texting her but when I do we maybe talk for like 5 minutes before she makes an excuse that she can’t talk anymore and will text me later we barley talk and we haven’t talked in about a month I’m always the one to text her she never try’s to get ahold of me and doesn’t even make an effort to see how I’m doing and I’m not going to make an effort to text her when she makes me feel like she doesn’t want to talk to me.

Am I wrong for feeling this way

I don’t want to put in the effort to text her when she doesn’t put in the effort to text me she doesn’t believe the truth and when we talk I ask all the questions about how she is doing and then I say how I’m doing and how I’m doing in school even though she doesn’t ask I feel like she doesn’t want me anymore and I guess I just want your opinion if I should give up on her or if I should still keep trying to get her to talk to me