

Today in church my pastor preached on Hannah and Peninnah and that Hannah was provoked to the core of his message it was about praying for God’s hand in our desires and that if we are able to give them to God that he will do what’s best for each of us, even if in the moment we don’t understand the struggle we are going through that he is a loving and caring God and he wants to give us what we desire. I prayed that he would give me a baby when it’s right for him and that I will trust him through this storm no matter how hard it is sometimes. Well fast forward a few hours and it’s been raining and storming all weekend and so I came home to can homemade salsa and I looked out my kitchen window only to see this...

A Double rainbow right above our heart leapt in my chest ❤️ I’m not someone who looks for signs under every rock but this felt different...trusting his promises for us we will get our rainbow baby 🌈