Being heartbroken

So me and my boyfriend been together for 9 months and recently he broke up with me 3 weeks ago, the problem was he felt like it was a long distance kind of thing because we were an hour apart from each other so we would have to pick and choose days when to meet. In beginning he had more free time because he wasn’t working, he was only in college but he started working then our time together was limited, but he was like my best friend my everything, I remember his last words to me was that he wasn’t happy with me anymore and that he had gotten bored, it did something to me you know? Just hearing that come from the person you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, since we broken up he’s deleted every last memory of me and I kind of started blaming myself as if I had done something wrong, even though he kept saying it wasn’t my fault it still felt like it was, I miss him a lot and we haven’t had any contact within the last 3 weeks. If there’s any advice I would love to hear all feedback, thank you.