I’m trying

My son is 7months old. I chose to stay at home with him until he’s 1 and has all his vaccines. I keep having to ask my husband for help. For a couple weeks he will, then he won’t. He comes home takes a shower has a cigarette and then I have to ask him to watch the baby. Meanwhile I wash bottles, make dinner, etc. I don’t mean to whine but I’m sick of having to ask him to do things that always need to be done. Ex: trash, bottle cleaning, formula making, making his own lunch lol. Even changing the baby’s diaper! The other night I said honey the baby may need a new diaper. He says ok then still watches tv! I waited a couple minutes and still sitting there. So I take the baby and change him and my husband gets upset at me! He uses work as an excuse which I get hes tired. But if I went to work and came home I bet I’d still be doing all these things still. I am so tired of asking him to do stuff that a parent needs to do.

I love him so much still but I’m getting sick of even having this same fight. I’ve been so exhausted at times that I’ve fallen down and still do what needs to get done. Why can’t he just do something?!