How would you have handled this... and what can bf do?

Hello all,

My bf and I are 7 weeks pregnant and figuring out some housing stuff so we are not living together right now (I’ve known him/been together for years and I won’t explain all about that here but we’re good. Work stuff basically). He just started renting a room in an apartment last month, through the guy’s gf, whom my bf works with. I haven’t been there too much- maybe once or twice a week and didn’t have much interaction with the guy he is renting from and haven’t had any troubles the times that he answered the door... gave him good mornings, etc. Come to find out my bf realized he was dealing drugs out of the house and did some time for who knows what. Last week I stopped by and bf had the bedroom door locked and when I asked why he said because of who I live with. I didn’t know the extent of what he meant until this morning. He was scared and didn’t really explain, probably because he didn’t want the guy to hear.

So last night we stopped by goodwill quick to look for a fan bc it is sooo hot and uncomfortable in the bedroom that it’s really difficult to sleep. We didn’t find one there and had meditation we were going to be late for so we hurried there. Afterwards we went for a walk around the park, as I’ve been struggling with fatigue and I thought it would help bring my energy level up and increase circulation. I made it around once but we had to cut through halfway through the second time because I literally thought I was going to drop from exhaustion. We went back to the room and it was brutally hot so my bf opened the small bedroom window a crack and I immediately passed out (usually takes me hours to fall asleep) around 11.

4:00 am, the window is right next to my head, bed against the wall, and the guy is outside and SLAMS into it and the wall and SCREAMS through the window at my bf about the window being open, yelling all sorts of obscenities at the top of his lungs for several minutes, right in my ear. Like I said, I was soooo exhausted working 11 hour days all week and pregnant, hardly sleeping all week. I really really needed the rest that night and when he did this, it was scary being woken up in this fashion and my chest hurt. He proceeds to come in the house and pound on the bedroom door and when my bf opened it he was in his face calling his all sorts of names, stupid mf, all of the above, upset bc the ac was on. Mind you, it was about 84 degrees in the house and 70 outside and it really didn’t need to be on in my opinion. My bf didn’t say anything, standing there taking it (he’s pretty skinny and isn’t one to fight people either) and curled up in bed in the fetal position looking like he was going to cry after he left, saying he should have remembered to close the window. We tried to fall back asleep but couldn’t. It was startling and we could hear him and his gf smoking/coughing/talking and what not. After about half an hour I got up to use the bathroom. As I walked out of the bathroom I stumbled slightly and the door bounced off of me and hit the wall, not hard or anything. As I was walking back into the bedroom I heard him start yelling about the bump and by the time I was starting to sit back on the bed- In just my t-shirt and thong, mind you (I had pulled it down when I walked to the bathroom just in case and was covered before when he came in the room), he barged in the room and was over me kneeling on the bed, half naked, screaming in my face! At this point I had had enough! I straightened up right back in his face and defended myself. Don’t mess with women’s hormones while pregnant and exhausted, I tell you...The stuff he was saying to me OMG! And I could not even believe the first episode but then to walk in when I’m not even dressed?! Yelling and spitting in my face? I am a very respectable person to respectful people but this was crazy and my body was completely stressed out at this point so I called him out on his behavior and irrational logic about the ac and then walking in there on top of it! Plus I was pissed how he treated my bf . So then he starts threatening me and his gf was holding him back from me as I’m getting my stuff to leave. He followed me out to my car screaming and when I turned around he was in my face again telling me to hit him and I told him I wasn’t going to but I did stand right back in his face and he acted like he wanted to fight me! Mind you, I’m 120 pounds and weak and this guy is RIPPED!!! (Side note- he called me skinny and ugly and I am not LOL. Skinny yes, but I am beautiful inside and out ty very much☺️). At this point he had woken up the entire complex and there were people coming out watching to see what was going on. After we left my bf said he was proud of me but he feels horrible about it all and I’m worried about him! It’s the beginning of the month so he just paid the guy, of course. I didn’t know he was going through all this! Does anyone know what rights he has or anything about this? He admitted he has been locking the bedroom door and is scared to use the bathroom so he goes elsewhere. I’ve never dealt with anything like this before. I told him he has to leave ASAP and I am absolutely not going back there. Most importantly I am worried about the baby now because that initial pounding/yelling on the window really rattled me/messed with my heart 😞 and I really needed to sleep😢 thanks for reading my vent. Unbelievable.