Converting IUI to IVF cycle (Mini IVF)


Freaking out a little bit because this JUST happened.

Me: 28, PCOS & Hashimotos hypothyroidism

DH: 28, perfectly normal, no issues

TTC #1 for over a year.

Started an <a href="">IUI</a> cycle with injectables (150iu of Puregon) from CD 3-9, was aware of higher risk for multiples or having to convert to <a href="">IVF</a> due to the high dose. I went to the clinic for a scan and blood work on Thursday and RE told me that I had two lead follicles on left side and one that was still growing on right side and lots of little ones. Told me to come back in on Sunday, while continuing with the Puregon, for another scan and blood work. Well I went in today thinking i would probably be ready for trigger and hopefully <a href="">IUI</a> in next couple of days and was shocked when RE said “well looks like we will be converting to <a href="">IVF</a> this cycle”. I now had 12 mature follicles on left and 7 on the right!! They made me take a shot of 250mcg of Orgalutran (ganirelix) right then and there. I go back in tomorrow for another scan, and most likely a trigger since doctor says I’m just about ready. Then egg retrieval on Wed/Thurs depending on when we trigger.

I’m beyond nervous and just praying this works 🙏🏼

Any similar stories out there?!