How is Leap 5 going?

Dee • Mama to my beautiful baby girl. Born April 2019 💜

My girl is 26wks today and right in the middle of Leap 5 right now. The first 2 weeks were great, she didn’t show any of her usual leap signs. Now she’s gotten fussier and more clingy again 😭 I hope this doesn’t last too long. leap 4 near about killed me 😭

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I'm on the last week of it. It wasnt horrible until now. My baby screams when anyone else looks at him or hold him. Only wants the mama.
I'm on the last week of it. It wasnt horrible until now. My baby screams when anyone else looks at him or hold him. Only wants the mama.


Dee • Oct 9, 2019
Aww poor baby. At least we’ll have a month off before the next Leap hits 🤞🏽


Posted at
If you don’t mine me asking what does leap mean?


Dee • Oct 11, 2019
There is a lot of info online about the Wonder Weeks - these are developmental/mental leaps that babies go through that can cause them to have fussy periods/restless nights etc.


Posted at
Right there with you girl! Leap 4 was rough but now my little one has separation anxiety so he screams any time we leave the room. Loads of fun. On the plus side, it is so much fun to see how much he is learning and how differently he interacts with his environment. The dogs are free entertainment right now 😂


Dee • Oct 10, 2019
Yes! Omg! She loves our dog and giggles at everything she does