Mommy issues?

My MIL tries to intimidate me all the time. She’s got my husband running around doing side jobs for her friends on the weekends. Has to know what we are doing all the time, and gets mad if she’s not included. She barely pays any attention to me when I’m around, she could care less what I have to say. She’s loud and rude (especially when drunk) my husband is nothing like her. I’m starting to think this is too toxic for me, but I don’t want it to ruin my marriage. I know he loves me but he’s the only son, raised by this lady. She doesn’t “need” a man, that she has my husband for any needs around her house.

It’s just getting to me. I don’t want to give her the satisfaction, but In the long run, I really don’t see myself dealing with this forever. He will not stand up to her. I fight in my head about this all the time. I’m a peace loving person and I think she sees that in me and takes advantage. I just want a good relationship with her, but I’m not a doormat. It’s like she has some sick jealousy over me. Has anyone dealt with this and had a good outcome?