We want more children, but now I’m not as motivated


We suffered a very devastating MC a few weeks ago...the day after my birthday to be exact (9-26). I was expecting twin babies...we still want more babies but I’m just not that motivated this time around.

I invested a tremendous amount of effort to conceive last time with LH test stripes, waking up at the crack of dawn to catch my pee, taking fertility herbs to boost my chances, and etc.

Right now, we are trying but also not trying... I’m purposely not tracking my ovulation... I just recorded our sex activity today on Glo... I possibly ovulated a few days ago and didn’t make sex a priority( bc let’s face it, who knows if I did or didn’t...)

Since I “supposedly” ovulated we have had sex every day...

We still haven’t buried our babies yet...I still get sad sometimes but I’m not crying hysterically...I decided to have half a glass of wine, usually I never drink....

I just feel very insecure about getting my hopes up, just to be crushed...

Any advice?