My 18m old STILL isn’t walking yet. HELP😩


So my son was born May 2018 Making his 18 months old today! (Time freaking flies)

He was born with bilateral Clubfoot. He was in casts the first 3 months of his life, went through surgery on his Achilles’ tendon to strengthen and stretch it. He had to wear a brace for 23 hours a day until he was about 6 months old. That being said the drs said he could be about 3 months behind in development as far as crawling and walking are concerned. He definitely was a late crawler at about 8-9 months old. I’m not super worried about him walking right now but I really need some advice on what I can do to encourage him to start walking. He can climb down and up on the couch, he cruises along furniture and will walk if we hold one of his hands and also can stand up on his own. He loves standing up but won’t take any steps.

Any advice is greatly appreciated. I just want my baby to his this milestone so bad. Thanks in advance ladies.