Baby Jayden the big 6 months


Being in an abusive relationship was horrible

Pregnancy was difficult , getting cheated on was soul crushing through the WHOLE 4 year relationship. Also going to school and working full time

Birth was crazy, c section and having my full term baby in the NICU was sad

Pumping nope stopped after 3 weeks, got back on my bipolar meds

Thought I was going to die when he was a newborn, I cried in the bathroom. Starving, sleep deprived, body feeling nasty, bleeding and milk dripping all over, pain all over.

Showering and going on walks only made me feel good.

Went back to work 2 months pp

Being alone to take care of my son was hard, broke it off with his dad/abusive ex when he was 3months because he was CRAZY. My son will not be exposed to such a horrible person. Yuck.

My son saved me from an abusive person. I'm only 24, still haven't graduated college (I want to go into crime scene or detective work), I live with my mom.

I'm grateful for my son, and support. It's the hardest thing EVER, I'm tired and broke. But it's all worth it.

Will be going back to school during the summer, going to see my family in France when he turns 1. Meanwhile I'm being a mom and working. Enjoying every frustrating and amazing moment there is.