Need help! (Serious topic)

This took guts to write, but im staying anonymous because i am very sensitive and ive seen how many woman on here are treating other woman in this same topic...

Ive been with my husband for 9 almost 10 years. We have children together. Im currently 26 weeks pregnant. Both her and i are having alot of complications, due to those complications i was put on a leave from work and cannot work. Our complications are actually getting worse...

I found out i was pregnant due to failed birth control when we were going threw housing issues. I didnt have the heart to do an abortion so i decided to keep her. Well my husband has been an abusive asshole to me and my kids since a little before our housing issues started. I told him to get help and get his shit straight or he had to go. I thought everything was getting better once we moved into our new place and its not. Its getting worse. Well again i am unable to work. Hes a piece of shit that will not hold a job. We lost our car due to transmission issues. And i have like no one close to me for support.

My question is, has anyone gone through ANYTHING close to what im saying, and what did you do?

I want and need him gone. But i have no income and cannot work. I have no car. More appointments due to these complications and im falling into a severe depression. Im doing everything i can and literally the only one doing everything to provide for my kids and myself. But my health is spiriling down and i just want to give up when i know i cant. I just need positive words and possibly some experiences or any pointers on what i could do. Im so scared 😭