2 weeks post miscarriage.


So I found out I was pregnant Sept 23rd. Blood work confirmed on the 25th. My levels were only 40. Bloodwork on the 27th was 113 but then on Oct. 1st they dropped to 60. Dr told me to expect to start bleeding any day. Well it started on the 2nd very late. Might as well been the 3rd. More bloodwork on the 3rd levels were 30. I bled 2 days. Following week on the 10th levels only dropped by 5. My Dr doesn't think it's an eptopic because number was going down. I go back tomorrow to see how much they've dropped again and I guess I repeat it once a week until it hits zero. If they aren't dropped more than five he recommended cleaning out my uterus and then if by the next day my levels still aren't gone then he'd be concerned it implanted somewhere else. But unlikely as levels usually still rise. The thing is, I think I may be pregnant again already. I'm showing same symptoms that I had with my first son. And then with this past pregnancy. I took a test today and I know the hormone can linger but my tests are darker than ever... Even darker then 2 weeks ago before I started bleeding. I knew something was wrong last time because the test lines never truly got dark. That pregnancy was a result of our 2nd <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> procedure after a year and half of trying with no success. They said I released 3 eggs. I probably sound silly but I'm so hopeful that this is the start of something new and thats why the tests are darker. I'll know more after my bloodwork tomorrow. Just fearful of the Dr "cleaning out a new pregnancy". And I don't want to have hope if it's all just old hormones that for some reason are lingering strong. Ugh we just want a second baby so much! This is all so frustrating! Don't get me wrong I am beyond grateful for the one little guy that we have, but we so wish for him to be able to have a sibling to grow up with! The faint line picture is the test I took at 5 weeks with the mc. And the other ones are from today. It just sucks cause if anything I know my levels are obviously not zero so I'm gonna have to keep getting blood drawn which I'm so fearful of still.