Relationship Troubles


My boyfriend and I have been happily together for 4 years now. I have more happy memories than angry/sad ones of us together; until recently.

This past year I had been noticing that didn't want sex anymore. I would practically have to throw myself at him for us to have sex. Each time I was left feeling unwanted and ugly. When I brought it up he said he just wasn't a very sexual person and like a dumb person I accepted.

Yesterday, I found out that he has been going on Reddit to look at girls' nude photos. That doesnt bother me, it is a bit like porn and I never had an issue with that. But he left comments that said things like "I would love to f**k your p***y", "if only I had a weekend with you", "your body is perfect", and "your p***y is perfect".

I felt so betrayed because here I was having to beg for his attention and he was so willing to give it to others. Things I've asked him to say to me but he said he was too shy to and things that personally I never would expect him to say... when I confronted him about it he said he had an addiction to porn and he would fix it to fix us. He booked an appointment with a therapist and says he will try the most he can to do it. I'm just not sure if I can trust him anymore, much less look at him.

He is now sleeping on the couch until I make up my mind but I need help. If he had slept with another girl I wouldn't even need time to think about leaving him but this is something I didn't think I would have to deal with.