Husband and ex-wife situation


Have you ever had enough and finally inserted yourself in between your husband/wife and their ex? I am almost to the point where I can keep my mouth shut anymore. They have 2 children together, 11 & 10. He missed a lot when they were growing up because he was in active duty military. She cheated on him and they got divorced when the youngest was still very young. Since we’ve been together, it has been a constant battle between them. All she ever wants is money and tries everything she can to keep him from seeing them. She’s even tried to use excessive rain as an excuse for him not to get them and threw a fit when he went to check on them when there was a tornado warning and she had left them home alone.

We just went back to court and, in the new papers, he is to pay the doctors for the medical bills after she presents an actual bill, because he never knew what he was paying. She never told him about the doctors appointments or anything. She’s insisted on getting the oldest braces, and found a doctor to do it. My husband has joint legal custody, so he should get a say. He asked her to get a second opinion, at his cost, and she refused. Now, of course, he has to pay half. She tried to get him to pay half of what she and her insurance has already paid. I figured that out, once we got the statement. We are going to pay the doctor, the lawyers even agreed and it’s in the papers. He asked that she put him on the list to be able to pick them up from school, in case of an emergency, and she won’t do it either. Of course, I know we will go back to court over it if she doesn’t. She harassed him all day yesterday, telling him to pay her the half of what she’s already paid to her, after it was agreed for him to pay the doctor. We know she’s already paid out of pocket, but we will pay the doctor, according to the papers. She is so hateful and literally only wants money from him. We try to do what’s best for the kids, but she makes it so hard. I know they live with her, but we would gladly take custody of them. She only sees them as a way to get money from their father. He does the best he can with what we have. She will brag about how she makes ‘plenty of money to care for her children’ but her actions towards him show she’s either lying or money grubbing. I’m not saying that he is trying to get out of his fatherly duties either, we want them! We would gladly take them in ourselves. She refuses to let him see them most of the time when it’s his time. Oh, did I mention that the whole reason we went to court is because she wants to change his weekends with them to the weekends that he works? He literally cannot change his work schedule. I’m at the point where I can’t just stand and back anymore. He doesn’t deserve any of this and we are trying our best to reduce his stress levels for his own health.

Have y’all ever dealt with this situation before? How did you contain yourself? I’m at my wits end.